These are non-commercial and are run at cost or occasionally subsidised. This makes them incredibly cheap compared with holiday companies. You normally have to be a member to get a place on a trip.
Lake District Buttermere, 4 nights, August
Full, waiting list in operation
Lake District Keswick, 3 nights, August
Full, waiting list in operation
Peak District, Edale, 4 nights, August
Full, waiting list in operation
Champing weekend Fordwich (Kent) - walking, cycling, possibly canoeing, 1 night, September
Open for booking
Open for booking
Romanian mountains trip, 7 nights, September
Full, waiting list in operation
Shropshire Hills weekend, 2 nights, October
Open for booking
Cornwall coast, 4 nights, December/January
Bookings will open soon
Coastal Mountain Walking in Liguria, 6 nights, December/January
Full, waiting list in operation
Gulf of Poets, Liguria extension, 4 nights, January
Open for booking
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